High Rise Architecture Design 101
High Rise Architecture
Here in Dallas TX, Architect firmsWe see a plethora of them in every major city. Even small cities will have a few high rises to its construction in today’s rapidly growing population state. Contrary to population growth, available land and space is lessening. Put the two together and high rises are the way to go. After all, these vertical structures are the most efficient way to either save space or fit into a space, while filling that particular space with hundreds to thousands of people. Once the space is determined, how is the high rise designed?

Before diving into a complex project such as creating a high rise, it is essential to know the makeup of the structure. For example, how many people will be working in the building (if an office building) or how many people will be living in the building (if an apartment building). The capacity, or at least general capacity, must be known in order to properly determine how many stories or space is needed. Additionally, how many offices, bathrooms, storage rooms, etc…that are needed.
Now, for the fun part. High rise architecture allows the architect to put a personal touch on a structure. As long as he/she meets the parameters of the structure, he/she is the expert that can make the high rise unique and eye popping. The most iconic buildings in the world sprout from genius design. The Shanghai Tower, Empire State Building, Willis Tower, and the Burj Khalifa of Dubai are each phenomenon’s and universally known. The designer has the opportunity to give the building an edge that makes it as much about looks as function.
Of course, architects also have an obligation to stay within budget. Materials will have to be determined and costs along with them. The majority of high rises are composed of reinforced concrete and structural steel. In fact, most use a combination of the two. Concrete and steel are the type of hard-nosed, durable materials needed to overcome weather, time, and temperature. The biggest threats to a high rise are of course wind and earthquakes. Earthquakes are highly uncommon and most high rises are located where an earthquake will never happen. Yet, all structures need to be protected against them. High rise architecture needs to be 100% resistant to heavy and constant winds, along with fluctuating temperatures.
Once all of the above is determined, the building begins. Excavation beyond the high rise’s surface area will take place, placing the steel reinforcement well within the ground to create the necessary structure support. From there, each story is built. Essentially, the building of one story will be repeated all the way to the final story. Wall bearings will be installed. Flooring, plumbing and air ducts must be accounted for as well. Ultimately, the finishing high rise architecture product will be able to withstand exterior factors, support the people who make up the building, and create a visual for outsiders to admire.
Obviously, a ton of planning and execution go into the creation of a high rise building. The purpose of this post is to provide a general understanding of how a high rise is designed and built. For specifics, however, DBA Architects is here to advise and execute. We have over 200,000 buildings to our name and we’ve been in the architectural business since 1989. No structure is too overwhelming for us. Contact DBA Architects today for high rise architecture, or any architectural need for that matter! Also, please visit our blog for additional architectural input.